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Enhancing Parliamentary Accessibility: The Need for Sign Language Interpretation in Digital Proceedings

  "Breaking Barriers: Ensuring Digital Parliamentary Access for the Hearing Impaired"       Michael Sabiiti the CEO and founder of the charity Site for community Services Programme-SCOSP The digital transformation of parliamentary proceedings is a commendable step toward greater transparency and public engagement. However, true inclusivity can only be achieved when all citizens, including those with hearing impairments, have equal access to legislative discussions. One crucial measure to ensure this is the inclusion of a sign language interpreter in all digital parliamentary sessions. Parliament is the cornerstone of democracy, representing the voices and interests of all citizens. Yet, without sign language interpretation, a significant portion of the population remains excluded from vital national discussions. Implementing this service would bridge the communication gap, allowing individuals with hearing impairments to follow debates, policy delibera...
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Uganda's COVID 19 (Corona virus) Updates

COVID 19 (Corona Virus) Updates from #Uganda Today H.E President of the Rep. of Uganda Mr. Museven Yoweri extended the lock down for the next 21 days until 5th May 2020. You can find the detailed speech today at the link below

Kabale Town streets as country tries to stop covid19

Kabale Town streets as country tries to stop covid19


Site for Community Services Programme  (SCOSP ) Prevention of Corona virus(Covid19) starts with you. The current Corona virus situation globally requires us to take precautions of avoid contact, gathering and stop some cultural norms that may put lives at stake . Let's take atleast 4 glasses of juice with vitamin c to book our immune system.  Hot Lemon has proven to be a good remedy to aid of the signs an symptoms. Contact the doctor or go to a health centre should you develop strange  signs of Corona  virus.

International Albinism Awareness Day 2019

Theme:"Still Standing Strong". Persons with albinism arrive at the venue(Mayor's gardens Kisoro District) from the peaceful matchpast through Kisoro Town which attracted the attention of  thousands of people in Kisoro Town .  This year 2019, celebration of the international Albinism Awareness Day centered on advocacy and the awareness creation about the plight of PWA,such as stigma and discrimination, promotion and protection of the rights persons with albinism. We had a peaceful match and awareness campaign through Kisoro Town beofore we had a speeches and entertainment at the Mayor's Gardens in Kisoro District. Many people who were in the market and in town commented on the match past and peaceful demonstration that "they did not know that the people with albinism still existed in Kisoro". Several media houses published the news with TV West broadcasting our Day's activity in the Saturday 15, 2019 evening news.  Challege w...